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The Basics

These guides cover the very basics of TinyBase.

We start with common ways to install the modules and then learn about how to interact with Store objects including creation, reading data, writing data, and listening for changes.

See also the Hello World demos, and the Todo App demos.

Let's get started!

Getting Started

This guide gets you up and running quickly with TinyBase.

Creating A Store

This guide shows you how to create a new Store.

Writing To Stores

This guide shows you how to write data to a Store.

Reading From Stores

This guide shows you how to read data from a Store.

Listening To Stores

This guide shows you how to listen to changes in the data in a Store.


This guide shows you how to wrap multiple changes to the data in a Store.

Importing TinyBase

This guide provides an aside about importing TinyBase into your application.

TinyBase And TypeScript

This guide summarizes the three different levels of TypeScript coverage you can use with TinyBase.