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Schema type aliases

This is the collection of schema type aliases within the store module. There are 10 schema type aliases in total.


The TablesSchema type describes the tabular structure of a Store in terms of valid Table Ids and the types of Cell that can exist within them.

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The NoTablesSchema type is a TablesSchema-like type for when one has not been provided.

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The OptionalTablesSchema type is used by generic types that can optionally take a TablesSchema.

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The CellSchema type describes what values are allowed for each Cell in a Table.

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The ValuesSchema type describes the keyed Values that can be set in a Store and their types.

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The NoValuesSchema type is a ValuesSchema-like type for when one has not been provided.

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The OptionalValuesSchema type is used by generic types that can optionally take a ValuesSchema.

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The ValueSchema type describes what values are allowed for keyed Values in a Store.

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The NoSchemas type is used as a default by generic types that can optionally take either or both of a TablesSchema and ValuesSchema.

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The OptionalSchemas type is used by generic types that can optionally take either or both of a TablesSchema and ValuesSchema.

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