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Transaction type aliases


The ChangedTableIds type describes the Table Ids that were added or removed during a transaction. Read more.


The ChangedRowIds type describes the Row Ids that were added or removed during a transaction. Read more.


The ChangedCellIds type describes the Cell Ids that were added or removed during a transaction. Read more.


The ChangedCell type describes a Cell that has been changed during a transaction, primarily used so that you can indicate whether the transaction should be rolled back. Read more.


The ChangedCells type describes the Cell values that have been changed during a transaction, primarily used so that you can indicate whether the transaction should be rolled back. Read more.


The InvalidCells type describes the invalid Cell values that have been attempted during a transaction, primarily used so that you can indicate whether the transaction should be rolled back. Read more.


The ChangedValues type describes the Values that have been changed during a transaction, primarily used so that you can indicate whether the transaction should be rolled back. Read more.


The InvalidValues type describes the invalid Values that have been attempted during a transaction, primarily used so that you can indicate whether the transaction should be rolled back. Read more.


The ChangedValue type describes a Value that has been changed during a transaction, primarily used so that you can indicate whether the transaction should be rolled back. Read more.


The ChangedValueIds type describes the Value Ids that were added or removed during a transaction. Read more.


The Changes type describes the net meaningful changes that were made to a Store during a transaction. Read more.


The IdAddedOrRemoved type describes a change made to an Id in either the tabular or keyed-value part of the Store (or in other TinyBase modules). Read more.


The TransactionLog type describes the changes that were made to a Store during a transaction in detail. Read more.