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Building A UI With Checkpoints

This guide covers how the ui-react module supports the Checkpoints object. After all, if you have undo functionality in your app, you probably want an undo button!

As with all the other React-based bindings we've discussed, the ui-react module provides both hooks and components to connect your checkpoints to your interface.

Checkpoints Hooks

Firstly, the useCheckpointIds hook is the reactive version of the getCheckpointIds method and returns the three-part CheckpointIds array.

import {createCheckpoints, createStore} from 'tinybase';
import {useCheckpointIds} from 'tinybase/ui-react';
import React from 'react';
import {createRoot} from 'react-dom/client';

const store = createStore().setTable('pets', {fido: {species: 'dog'}});
const checkpoints = createCheckpoints(store);
const App = () => <span>{JSON.stringify(useCheckpointIds(checkpoints))}</span>;

const app = document.createElement('div');
const root = createRoot(app);
root.render(<App />);
// -> '<span>[[],"0",[]]</span>'

store.setCell('pets', 'fido', 'sold', true);
// -> '<span>[["0"],null,[]]</span>'

// -> '<span>[["0"],"1",[]]</span>'

This is not yet extremely useful for constructing an undo and redo UI! The useCheckpoint hook returns the label of a checkpoint so that the user knows what they are undoing, for example:

import {useCheckpoint} from 'tinybase/ui-react';

const App2 = () => <span>{useCheckpoint('2', checkpoints)}</span>;

root.render(<App2 />);
// -> '<span></span>'

store.setCell('pets', 'fido', 'color', 'brown');
// -> '<span>color</span>'

Further, hooks like the useGoBackwardCallback hook and the useGoForwardCallback hook are self-explanatory, providing a callback that can move the Store backwards or forwards through the checkpoints stack in response to a user event.


Perhaps more useful than each of those hooks individually, the useUndoInformation hook and useRedoInformation hook provide a collection of information (in an array of the UndoOrRedoInformation type) - including information about whether the action is possible, the event handler, and the label - that is fully sufficient to be able to construct an undo/redo UI:

import {useUndoInformation} from 'tinybase/ui-react';

store.setTables({pets: {nemo: {species: 'fish'}}});
const App3 = () => {
  const [canUndo, handleUndo, id, label] = useUndoInformation(checkpoints);
  return canUndo ? (
    <span onClick={handleUndo}>Undo {label}</span>
  ) : (
    <span>Nothing to undo</span>

root.render(<App3 />);
// -> '<span>Nothing to undo</span>'

store.setCell('pets', 'nemo', 'color', 'orange');
// -> '<span>Undo color</span>'

Checkpoints Views

The BackwardCheckpointsView component, CurrentCheckpointView component, and ForwardCheckpointsView component are the main three components for the Checkpoints object, and list the checkpoints behind or ahead of the current state, so that a list of possible undo and redo actions is visible:

import {
} from 'tinybase/ui-react';

const App4 = () => (
    <BackwardCheckpointsView checkpoints={checkpoints} debugIds={true} />/
    <CurrentCheckpointView checkpoints={checkpoints} debugIds={true} />/
    <ForwardCheckpointsView checkpoints={checkpoints} debugIds={true} />

root.render(<App4 />);
// -> '<div>0:{}/1:{color}/</div>'

store.setCell('pets', 'nemo', 'stripes', true);
// -> '<div>0:{}1:{color}/2:{stripes}/</div>'

Each of these components takes a checkpointComponent prop which allows you to customize how each checkpoint is rendered. Undoubtedly you will want something nicer than the default debug example above!

Checkpoints Context

In the same way that a Store can be passed into a Provider component context and used throughout the app, a Checkpoints object can also be provided to be used by default:

import {
} from 'tinybase/ui-react';

const App5 = () => {
  const store = useCreateStore(() =>
    createStore().setTable('species', {pets: {nemo: {species: 'fish'}}}),
  const checkpoints = useCreateCheckpoints(store, createCheckpoints);

  return (
    <Provider checkpoints={checkpoints}>
      <Pane />

const Pane = () => <span>{JSON.stringify(useCheckpointIds())}</span>;

root.render(<App5 />);
// -> '<span>[[],"0",[]]</span>'

The checkpointsById prop can be used in the same way that the storesById prop is, to let you reference multiple Checkpoints objects by Id.


The support for Checkpoints objects in the ui-react module is very similar to that for all the other types of top level object, making it easy to attach checkpoints and undo/redo functionality to your user interface.

Let's move on to the ways in which we can create more advanced queries in the Using Queries guide.