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RelationshipInHtmlTableProps props are used for components that will render the contents of the two Tables linked by a Relationship as an HTML table, such as the RelationshipInHtmlTable component.

  relationshipId: Id;
  relationships?: RelationshipsOrRelationshipsId;
  editable?: boolean;
  customCells?: Ids | {[cellId: Id]: string | CustomCell};

The Id of the relationship in the Relationships object for which the relationship Table Rows will be rendered.


The Relationships object to be accessed: omit for the default context Relationships object, provide an Id for a named context Relationships object, or provide an explicit reference.


Whether the Cells should be editable. This affects the default CellView component (to use the EditableCellView component instead) but of course will not affect custom Cell components if you have set them.

customCells?Ids | {[cellId: Id]: string | CustomCell}

An optional list of dotted 'tableId.cellId' string pairs to use for rendering a prescribed set of the relationship Tables' Cells in a given order. This can also be an object with the desired 'tableId.cellId' string pairs as keys, and with a value that can either be a string label to show in the column header, or a CustomCell object to further configure the column.

Note the use of dotted 'tableId.cellId' string pairs when specifying custom rendering for the cells in this table, since Cells from both the relationship's 'local' and 'remote' Table objects can be rendered and need to be distinguished.

