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ResultTableInHtmlTableProps props are used for components that will render a ResultTable in an HTML table, such as the ResultTableInHtmlTable component.

  queryId: Id;
  queries?: QueriesOrQueriesId;
  customCells?: Ids | {[cellId: Id]: string | CustomResultCell};

The Id of the query in the Queries object for which the ResultTable will be rendered.


The Queries object to be accessed: omit for the default context Queries object, provide an Id for a named context Queries object, or provide an explicit reference.

customCells?Ids | {[cellId: Id]: string | CustomResultCell}

An optional list of Cell Ids to use for rendering a prescribed set of the ResultTable's Cells in a given order. This can also be an object with the desired Cell Ids as keys, and with a value that can either be a string label to show in the column header, or a ResultCustomCell object to further configure the column.

