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<ResultSortedTableInHtmlTable />

In this demo, we showcase the ResultSortedTableInHtmlTable component, a more complex and interactive way to render the results of a query.

Rather than building the whole demo and boilerplate from scratch, we're making changes to the <SortedTableInHtmlTable /> demo to support this new component. Basically, where we previously displayed a Table from a Store, we are now displaying the result of a query from a Queries object.

Set Up

We switch out the TableInHtmlTable component and import the SortedTableInHtmlTable component instead.

-const {createStore} = TinyBase;
+const {createQueries, createStore} = TinyBase;
-const {Provider, useCell, useCreateStore} = TinyBaseUiReact;
+const {Provider, useCell, useCreateQueries, useCreateStore} = TinyBaseUiReact;
-const {SortedTableInHtmlTable} = TinyBaseUiReactDom;
+const {ResultSortedTableInHtmlTable} = TinyBaseUiReactDom;

We need to register the query we are going to use. In the main App component, we can create the memoized Queries object, query a few columns for movies made since 2018...

 const store = useCreateStore(createStore);
+const queries = useCreateQueries(store, (store) =>
+  createQueries(store).setQueryDefinition(
+    'recentMovies',
+    'movies',
+    ({select, where}) => {
+      select('name').as('Name');
+      select('year').as('Year');
+      select('rating').as('Rating');
+      where((getCell) => getCell('year') >= 2018);
+    },
+  ),

...and expose it into the app-wide context:

   return (
-    <Provider store={store}>{isLoading ? <Loading /> : <Body />}</Provider>
+    <Provider store={store} queries={queries}>
+      {isLoading ? <Loading /> : <Body />}
+    </Provider>

Using the ResultSortedTableInHtmlTable Component

The ResultSortedTableInHtmlTable component is very similar to the SortedTableInHtmlTable component, but instead of taking a tableId, we provide it with the queryId:

 const Body = () => {
   return (
     <>-      <SortedTableInHtmlTable
-        tableId='movies'
-        customCells={customCells}
-        cellId='rating'
+      <ResultSortedTableInHtmlTable
+        queryId='recentMovies'
+        cellId='Rating'

Note that we explicitly picked and labelled which columns were in the query, so we don't need the customCells prop any more.

-const customCells = {name: 'Name', year: 'Year', rating: 'Rating'};

We are using the same sortOnClick props from the <SortedTableInHtmlTable /> demo so you should find it to be interactive just as before.

Let's next look at components that let you edit Store data, starting with the <EditableValueView /> demo.