Using React Components
The reactive components in the ui-react
module let you declaratively display parts of a Store
These are all essentially convenience wrappers around the hooks we described in the Using React Hooks guide, but make it easy to build hierarchical component trees from the Store
data. For example, the ValuesView
component wraps around the useValueIds
hook to render child ValueView
components. Similarly, the TablesView
component wraps around the useTableIds
hook to render child TableView
components, which in turn can render child RowView
components and CellView
In this simple example, the CellView
component is used to render the color Cell
in a <span>
import {CellView} from 'tinybase/ui-react';
import React from 'react';
import {createRoot} from 'react-dom/client';
import {createStore} from 'tinybase';
const store = createStore().setCell('pets', 'fido', 'color', 'brown');
const App = () => (
<CellView tableId="pets" rowId="fido" cellId="color" store={store} />
const app = document.createElement('div');
const root = createRoot(app);
root.render(<App />);
// -> '<span>brown</span>'
store.setCell('pets', 'fido', 'color', 'walnut');
// -> '<span>walnut</span>'
These components have very plain default renderings, and don't even generate HTML or use ReactDOM. This means that the ui-react
module works just as well with React Native or other React-based rendering systems.
It does mean though, that if you use the default RowView
component, you will simply render a concatenation of the values of its Cells:
import {RowView} from 'tinybase/ui-react';
store.setCell('pets', 'fido', 'weight', 42);
const App2 = () => (
<RowView tableId="pets" rowId="fido" store={store} />
root.render(<App2 />);
// -> '<span>walnut42</span>'
This is not a particularly nice rendering! Even for the purposes of debugging data, you may want to separate the values, and this can be cheaply done with the separator
const App3 = () => (
<RowView tableId="pets" rowId="fido" store={store} separator="," />
root.render(<App3 />);
// -> '<span>walnut,42</span>'
Going further, the debugIds
prop helps you see the structure of the objects with their Ids
const App4 = () => (
<RowView tableId="pets" rowId="fido" store={store} debugIds={true} />
root.render(<App4 />);
// -> '<span>fido:{color:{walnut}weight:{42}}</span>'
These are slightly more readable, but are still not really appropriate to actually build a user interface! For that we need to understand how to customize components.
Customizing Components
More likely than JSON-like strings, you will want to customize or compose the rendering of parts of the Store
for your UI. The way this works is that each of the react-ui module components has a prop that takes an alternative rendering for its children.
For example, the TableView
component takes a rowComponent
prop that lets you indicate how each Row
should be rendered, and the RowView
component takes a cellComponent
prop that lets you indicate how each Cell
should be rendered. The component passed in to such props itself needs to be capable of taking the same props that the default component would have.
To render the contents of a Table
into an HTML table, therefore, you might set the components up like this:
import {TableView} from 'tinybase/ui-react';
const MyTableView = (props) => (
<TableView {...props} rowComponent={MyRowView} />
const MyRowView = (props) => (
<RowView {...props} cellComponent={MyCellView} />
const MyCellView = (props) => (
<CellView {...props} />
const App5 = () => <MyTableView store={store} tableId="pets" />;
root.render(<App5 />);
// -> '<table><tbody><tr><th>fido</th><td>walnut</td><td>42</td></tr></tbody></table>'
That is now starting to resemble a useful UI for tabular data! A final touch here is that each view can also let you create custom props for each of its children. For example the getRowComponentProps
prop of the TableView
component should be a function that returns additional props that will be passed to each child. See the API documentation for more examples.
The components available in the ui-react
module make it easy to enumerate over objects to build your user interface with customized, composed components. This will work wherever the React module does, including React Native.
When you are building an app in a web browser, however, where the ReactDOM module is available, TinyBase includes pre-made HTML components. We will look at these in the next Using React DOM Components guide.