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Inspecting Data

TinyBase v4.1 includes the ui-react-dom module, with a collection of user interface components for rendering Store data in your app. It also contains a web-based inspector, the Inspector component, that allows you to reason about the data during development.


(NB: Previous to v5.0, this component was called StoreInspector.)


The component is available in the ui-react-inspector module. Since it depends on it, this should be loaded after the ui-react module in your web app.

<!-- ... -->
<script src="/umd/tinybase/ui-react/index.js"></script>
<script src="/umd/tinybase/ui-react-inspector/index.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->

Simply add the component inside a Provider component (which is providing the Store context for the app that you want to be inspected). In total, the boilerplate will look something like this:

const {Provider, useCreateStore} = TinyBaseUiReact;
const {Inspector} = TinyBaseUiReactInspector;

const App = () => (
  <Provider store={useCreateStore(createStore)}>
    <Body />

const Body = () => {
  return (
      <h1>My app</h1>
      {/* ... */}
      <Inspector />

addEventListener('load', () =>
  ReactDOM.createRoot(document.body).render(<App />),

What Is In The Inspector?

The inspector appears at first as a nub in the corner of the screen containing the TinyBase logo. Once clicked, it will open up to show a dark panel. You can reposition this to dock to any side of the window, or expand to the full screen.

The inspector contains the following sections for whatever is available in the Provider component context:

It is hoped that each section is quite self-explanatory. If not, please try it out in the <Inspector /> demo, or indeed in most of the TinyBase demos themselves! The Movie Database demo and Countries demo are quite good examples of the inspector in use.