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The createPglitePersister function creates a PglitePersister object that can persist the Store to a local PGlite database.

  store: Store | MergeableStore,
  pglite: PGlite,
  configOrStoreTableName?: string | DatabasePersisterConfig,
  onSqlCommand?: (sql: string, params?: any[]) => void,
  onIgnoredError?: (error: any) => void,
): Promise<PglitePersister>
storeStore | MergeableStore

The Store or MergeableStore to persist.


The database connection that was returned from PGlite.create(...).

configOrStoreTableName?string | DatabasePersisterConfig

A DatabasePersisterConfig to configure the persistence mode (or a string to set the storeTableName property of the JSON serialization).

onSqlCommand?(sql: string, params?: any[]) => void

An optional handler called every time the Persister executes a SQL command or query. This is suitable for logging persistence behavior in a development environment.

onIgnoredError?(error: any) => void

An optional handler for the errors that the Persister would otherwise ignore when trying to save or load data. This is suitable for debugging persistence issues in a development environment.


A reference to the new PglitePersister object.

A PglitePersister supports regular Store objects, and can also be used to persist the metadata of a MergeableStore when using the JSON serialization mode, as described below.

As well as providing a reference to the Store to persist, you must provide a pglite parameter which identifies the database connection.

A database Persister uses one of two modes: either a JSON serialization of the whole Store stored in a single row of a table (the default), or a tabular mapping of Table Ids to database table names and vice-versa).

The third argument is a DatabasePersisterConfig object that configures which of those modes to use, and settings for each. If the third argument is simply a string, it is used as the storeTableName property of the JSON serialization.

See the documentation for the DpcJson and DpcTabular types for more information on how both of those modes can be configured.

This method is asynchronous because it will await the creation of dedicated new connections to the database. You will need to await a call to this function or handle the return type natively as a Promise.


This example creates a PglitePersister object and persists the Store to a local PGlite database as a JSON serialization into the my_tinybase table. It makes a change to the database directly and then reloads it back into the Store.

import {PGlite} from '@electric-sql/pglite';
import {createPglitePersister} from 'tinybase/persisters/persister-pglite';
import {createStore} from 'tinybase';

const pglite = await PGlite.create();
const store = createStore().setTables({pets: {fido: {species: 'dog'}}});
const persister = await createPglitePersister(
await persister.save();
// Store will be saved to the database.

console.log((await pglite.query('SELECT * FROM my_tinybase;')).rows);
// -> [{_id: '_', store: '[{"pets":{"fido":{"species":"dog"}}},{}]'}]

await pglite.query(`UPDATE my_tinybase SET store = $1 WHERE _id = '_';`, [

await persister.load();
// -> {pets: {felix: {species: 'cat'}}}

await pglite.close();

This example creates a PglitePersister object and persists the Store to a local PGlite database with tabular mapping.

import {PGlite} from '@electric-sql/pglite';
import {createPglitePersister} from 'tinybase/persisters/persister-pglite';
import {createStore} from 'tinybase';

const pglite = await PGlite.create();
const store = createStore().setTables({pets: {fido: {species: 'dog'}}});
const persister = await createPglitePersister(store, pglite, {
  mode: 'tabular',
  tables: {load: {pets: 'pets'}, save: {pets: 'pets'}},

await persister.save();
console.log((await pglite.query('SELECT * FROM pets;')).rows);
// -> [{_id: 'fido', species: '"dog"'}]
// Note that Cells and Values are JSON-encoded in PostgreSQL databases.

await pglite.query(
  `INSERT INTO pets (_id, species) VALUES ('felix', '"cat"')`,
await persister.load();
// -> {pets: {fido: {species: 'dog'}, felix: {species: 'cat'}}}

await pglite.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pets');
await pglite.close();

