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Store hooks


The useCreateMergeableStore hook. Read more.


The useCreateStore hook is used to create a Store within a React application with convenient memoization. Read more.


The useProvideStore hook is used to add a Store object by Id to a Provider component, but imperatively from a component within it. Read more.


The useStore hook is used to get a reference to a Store from within a Provider component context. Read more.


The useStoreIds hook is used to retrieve the Ids of all the named Store objects present in the current Provider component context. Read more.


The useStoreOrStoreById hook is used to get a reference to a Store object from within a Provider component context, or have it passed directly to this hook. Read more.


The useStores hook is used to get a reference to all the Store objects named by Id within a Provider component context. Read more.


The useDelTablesCallback hook returns a callback that can be used to remove all of the tabular data in a Store. Read more.


The useHasTables hook returns a boolean indicating whether any Table objects exist in the Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useHasTablesListener hook registers a listener function with the Store that will be called when Tables as a whole are added to or removed from the Store. Read more.


The useSetTablesCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to set the tabular data of a Store. Read more.


The useTables hook returns a Tables object containing the tabular data of a Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useTablesListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever tabular data in it changes. Read more.


The useTableIds hook returns the Ids of every Table in a Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useTableIdsListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever the Table Ids in it change. Read more.


The useDelTableCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to remove a single Table from a Store. Read more.


The useHasTable hook returns a boolean indicating whether a given Table exists in the Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useHasTableCell hook returns a boolean indicating whether a given Cell exists anywhere in a Table, not just in a specific Row, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useHasTableCellListener hook registers a listener function with the Store that will be called when a Cell is added to or removed from anywhere in a Table as a whole. Read more.


The useHasTableListener hook registers a listener function with the Store that will be called when a Table is added to or removed from the Store. Read more.


The useSetTableCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to set the data of a single Table in a Store. Read more.


The useTable hook returns an object containing the data of a single Table in a Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useTableCellIds hook returns the Ids of every Cell used across the whole Table, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useTableCellIdsListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever the Cell Ids that appear anywhere in a Table change. Read more.


The useTableListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever data in a Table changes. Read more.


The useRowIds hook returns the Ids of every Row in a given Table, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useRowIdsListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever the Row Ids in a Table change. Read more.


The useSortedRowIds hook returns the sorted (and optionally, paginated) Ids of every Row in a given Table, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useSortedRowIdsListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever sorted (and optionally, paginated) Row Ids in a Table change. Read more.


The useAddRowCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to create a new Row in a Store. Read more.


The useDelRowCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to remove a single Row from a Table. Read more.


The useHasRow hook returns a boolean indicating whether a given Row exists in the Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useHasRowListener hook registers a listener function with the Store that will be called when a Row is added to or removed from the Store. Read more.


The useRow hook returns an object containing the data of a single Row in a given Table, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useRowCount hook returns the count of the Row objects in a given Table, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useRowCountListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever the count of the Row objects in a Table changes. Read more.


The useRowListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever data in a Row changes. Read more.


The useSetPartialRowCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to set partial data of a single Row in the Store, leaving other Cell values unaffected. Read more.


The useSetRowCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to set the data of a single Row in a Store. Read more.


The useCellIds hook returns the Ids of every Cell in a given Row, in a given Table, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useCellIdsListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever the Cell Ids in a Row change. Read more.


The useCell hook returns an object containing the value of a single Cell in a given Row, in a given Table, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useCellListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever data in a Cell changes. Read more.


The useDelCellCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to remove a single Cell from a Row. Read more.


The useHasCell hook returns a boolean indicating whether a given Cell exists in a given Row in a given Table, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useHasCellListener hook registers a listener function with the Store that will be called when a Cell is added to or removed from the Store. Read more.


The useSetCellCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to set the value of a single Cell in a Store. Read more.


The useDelValuesCallback hook returns a callback that can be used to remove all of the keyed value data in a Store. Read more.


The useHasValues hook returns a boolean indicating whether any Values exist in the Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useHasValuesListener hook registers a listener function with the Store that will be called when Values as a whole are added to or removed from the Store. Read more.


The useSetPartialValuesCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to set partial Values data in the Store, leaving other Values unaffected. Read more.


The useSetValuesCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to set the keyed value data of a Store. Read more.


The useValues hook returns a Values object containing the keyed value data of a Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useValuesListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever keyed value data in it changes. Read more.


The useDelValueCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to remove a single Value from a Store. Read more.


The useHasValue hook returns a boolean indicating whether a given Value exists in the Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useHasValueListener hook registers a listener function with the Store that will be called when a Value is added to or removed from the Store. Read more.


The useSetValueCallback hook returns a parameterized callback that can be used to set the data of a single Value in a Store. Read more.


The useValue hook returns an object containing the data of a single Value in a Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useValueIds hook returns the Ids of every Value in a Store, and registers a listener so that any changes to that result will cause a re-render. Read more.


The useValueIdsListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever the Value Ids in it change. Read more.


The useValueListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called whenever data in a Value changes. Read more.


The useDidFinishTransactionListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called just after other non-mutating listeners are called at the end of the transaction. Read more.


The useStartTransactionListener hook registers a listener function with the Store that will be called at the start of a transaction. Read more.


The useWillFinishTransactionListener hook registers a listener function with a Store that will be called just before other non-mutating listeners are called at the end of the transaction. Read more.